

I recently received a call from a mom who asked if I offered Easter sessions with baby chicks.  I said, no, that I use my own pet bunny, Miss Sophie, for my Easter sessions.  She was really gung ho on having a photo with chicks.  Hey, as much as I can say, Awwwww, those chicks are sooooo adorable, I must stick to my beliefs.

I believe that animals should not be a disposable item.  I have often wondered where ALL those chicks go after photo shoots.  How many got squished by a really strong one year old?  Their legs are sooooo tiny – I can’t imagine myself handling one. I’d be so afraid to drop one and yanno, a foot is a long way down when you’re a three inch chick.

To me, the child, the outfit, the colours ALL capture the essence of what spring has to offer. And yes I do offer a live animal – but it’s not like I borrowed one from a farm or someone else.  I don’t know THAT bunny and I really want to know the animal I am placing in the lap or basket with your child.

It is common for baby chicks, ducks and other poultry to carry Salmonella. Ew, Ick, right?  Did I make you gag?  Just a little bit?  Salmonella germs cause a diarrheal illness.

I strongly suggest reading the information on this website page:
What is the risk of getting salmonella from baby chicks?

I value my clients’ children and myself from that sort of risk.
You KNOW how fast a baby can get their fingers in their mouth, right?
You can’t wipe off the fingers fast enough. How important is THAT shot anyway?

Sophie has been posing with babies and children for three years. She is a seasoned pro and LOVES the children.  She is a dwarf Lionhead bunny – perfectly sized for small hands and laps.  I trust her 100%.
If I felt there was any risk to a child, I would not offer her.
She is cleaned before sessions and does not sit in litter in between sessions.  She is one spoiled little bunny, believe me!  I even hand pick the clover in the backyard to dry for her to dine on during the winter months.  She’s THAT spoiled [big smile}. And she is such a diva that she does not pee or poo on the floor in the studio. Now that amazes me, but then, Sophie IS an amazing bunny.

The bunny is live. The chick is NOT.

The bunny is live. The chick is NOT.

I do not offer back to back 20 min sessions so that Sophie has a break. If she was in the movies, I’m sure the Humane Society would be very proud of me.  After all, why would I risk my business with a cranky bunny?  I want your child to enjoy their visit. I also don’t rush your child in and out in a 15 minute window.  Clients that have worked with me in the past are pleased with the attention I give to their child. Those adorable shots come after your child feels comfortable in the studio setting.

You don’t know the number of children that come during other events that ask to see her.  They’ve heard a friend talk about her, as if she is their friend (and she is) and they want to meet the now “famous” Kit Kat Sophie.  Even the adults adore her – she is just that kind of girl.

You can trust that your child comes first ALWAYS during a session and that safety is my number one priority.

If you’d like to book your Easter session, you can check availability by emailing me or if you want it to be a surprise for Daddy and want to book during the week, I have openings in the week before and during March Break.

Email me direct at kitkatphoto@gmail.com