Every May 2-4 weekend for the past three years, Kit Kat Photography has hosted a Princess Casting Call contest on Facebook.

What started out a fun little contest has lost its sparkle and shine.

The basis for the contest asked fans to submit a photo of their daughter or granddaughter. I put all the photos received into an album on Facebook. The submitted photo was shared by the mom and I encouraged mom to tag her partner, grandma and doting aunties, etc.

I love how Facebook allows people to share their family photos. I love how you can stay connected when families are spread across the country and beyond.  And I loved how so many moms, grandmas and family friends would click the LIKE button on a child’s photo in support of crowning a little princess.

After receiving Facebook messages from moms questioning my voting format for the contest, I looked at how I presented things on social media.

In the past, I had posted the rules page and totally forgot about the link this year.
What I have since learned is that there should have been specific rules in place or that I should have offered the contest in a whole different format.  I was asked by one mom to make an announcement about changing the voting system.  Well, by this time the contest was due to end in the next 24 hours so what was done was done.

Meanwhile, I kept thinking about those Facebook messages received. It took me hours of thinking about what could be done THIS YEAR in regard to crowning a Princess and rewarding the mom.  I’m not the kind of person to make a plan and not follow through.

My generous soul wanted to gift one little girl the opportunity to come into the studio and shine like a Princess.  I just LOVE watching eyes light up, the twirl of a princess dress and capturing the magic of make believe.  To gift the mom keepsakes of that very moment is priceless.  I’m just like that – sharing my talent by gifting images.  Simple, right?

Well in the end, I made the hardest decision to  removed all Princess photo entries and taken today to prepare my blog post. Sadly there will be no little girl being crowned this year.  I apologize to you all wholeheartedly.

BUT………..there are still GIFTS TO GIVE.
Yes!!!  I’ve thought long and hard about this.  Gifting is my nature so NOT giving is denying me of the pleasure as well!
Please don’t beat me up for these choices, it’s the best I’ve come up in the past 24 hours.

Gift vouchers have been sent to the 1st and 2nd top vote counts.
Congratulations are in order for Samantha Penney & Tiffany Smith.
I’ve also pulled one name out of a hat so that I can still gift one little girl a photo session.
Congratulations to Jill Pestell.

I’m still excited to give back to my supporting fans.  I love you all to bits!